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Father’s Day: Celebrating Paternal Bonds and Uplifting Good Fathers

Hello, cherished readers! As the third Sunday of June approaches, we are reminded of a special occasion that recognizes the paternal figures in our lives—Father's Day. It's an opportunity to honor fathers and father figures who have contributed…
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Watch Vanessa Simpson on Spectrum News!

Vanessa Simpson, the owner and director of Language Kids, touches on the value of learning another language in early childhood. Interested in the way she thinks? Check out our Philosophy of Education.
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Top 10 Reasons Why Parents Should Send Their Kids to Summer Camp This Year

Summer camp is an incredible experience that can have a lasting impact on a child's life. It's a chance for kids to learn new skills, make lifelong friends, and create unforgettable memories. As summer approaches, it's time to start thinking…
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Cultural Education: Fun and Educational Craft Ideas

What is Cultural Education? Why combine that with crafts? Cultural education is an important aspect of a child's development that helps them to learn about different cultures, traditions, and values. It is important for young children to understand…
children raising their hands, globe in the background
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The Power of Cultural Education: Shaping the Future Generation

The Power of Cultural Education: Shaping the Future Generation  Cultural education is essential for teaching children and young adults to appreciate diversity and value differences. It has the potential to shape the future generation by fostering…
10 reasons why your child should learn a second or foreign language

Why your child should learn a second language

Ever since the 1990s was declared by presidential resolution the “decade of the brain”, many researchers have studied the brain of bilingual children. They discovered a lot about the impact of bilingualism and multilingualism in promoting…
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Our Philosophy of Education

Education has the power to transform the world, and each child possesses the innate potential to achieve remarkable feats, shaping not only their own destiny but also the future of our planet. As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure…
Why it is important for children to learn and maintain their first or native language

Why it is important for children to learn and maintain their first or native language

The Importance of a Native Language We use language to communicate with others, to establish relationships and a sense of self, and to express who we are; it is an integral part of being human. The gain of a second language is a wonderful thing,…
Why Comprehensible Input is Vital for Foreign Language Learning

Why Comprehensible Input is Vital for Foreign Language Learning

Whether teaching Spanish or Mandarin Chinese, French or Arabic, every great foreign language teacher is very familiar with comprehensible input. Input is language that the student either hears or reads that aims at communicating something. For…