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Camp Policies

Waitlist Policy • Registrations are on a first-come-first-served basis. Parents and caregivers may place a camper on a waitlist at no charge. If a spot becomes available, Language Kids World will attempt to contact the parents or caregivers on the waitlist via phone and or email. If a parent or caregiver wishes to add early or extended immersion to their regular camp session and the early or extended immersion portions are full, the parent or caregiver may add the camper to the waitlist for early or extended immersion at no charge.

Payment Plans for Summer Camps • Upon registration, a 20% down payment will be applied toward the total balance due. The balance due, after the down payment has been applied, will be automatically charged on the first day of each month until the balance is paid in full. The charges will be made to the original payment method and/or the credit card on file. All camps taking place in June (the first day of the camp week is in June), must be paid in full no later than May 1st; all camps taking place in July (the first day of the camp week is in July), must be paid in full no later than June 1st; and, all camps taking place in August (the first day of the camp week is in August), must be paid in full no later than July 1st. If the payment method fails and the camp weeks are not paid in full by the dates mentioned, Language Kids World reserves the right to drop the camper for the unpaid camp week(s). Any payments made for unpaid camp weeks are non-refundable.

Refunds • Refunds will not be issued for non-attendance to one or more days of camp for any reason. By registering your child at camp, you are reserving space and staffing, whether your child attends the program or not. After April 30th, $50 for each camp week will become non-refundable.

Cancellations • If canceling a camp, parents may receive a refund of the amount paid minus the non-refundable $50 per camp week, only if letting Language Kids World know in writing at least 14 business days prior to the first day of the camp (not counting the first day of camp). Notices must be emailed to Refunds will not be made in any amount or for any reason for camp weeks canceled less than 14 days prior to the first day of the camp (not counting the first day of camp). The $50 non-refundable per camp week paid toward canceled weeks of camp cannot be applied to an existing week of camp or any previously registered week of camp. Language Kids World will cancel camps due to inclement weather or acts of God. No refunds will be made if a session is canceled due to inclement weather or acts of God, including COVID-19-related closures.

Transfers • Transfers must be requested in writing at least 14 days prior to the first day of the camp (not counting the first day of camp). The $50 non-refundable per camp week paid can be transferred to any new week of camp for which the camper is not registered already. For a non-refundable $50 per camp week for one week to be transferred to another camp week for which the camper is not registered already, transfers must be requested in writing at least 14 days prior to the first day of the camp (not counting the first day of camp). Transfers are subject to availability. Transfer requests must be emailed to

Forms and Waivers • Parents or authorized caregivers must sign the waivers required by Language Kids World and/or the specific location where each camp takes place. Children without a signed waiver will not be allowed to participate in a camp.

Coronavirus COVID-19 and Communicable Diseases Warning and Disclaimer • Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness, personal injury, permanent disability, or death. Parents and campers must follow all safety protocols that Language Kids World has established for the protection of campers, families, and staff members. Safety protocols and instructions may be provided in writing or orally and they must be followed by campers, parents or caregivers, or any person dropping off or picking campers up from camp.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases exists in any public place where people are present. Participation in our programs is voluntary and Language Kids World does not make any warranty or representation that a COVID-19 or other communicable diseases infection will not occur through participation in Language Kids World programs.

Language Kids World cannot guarantee that the camper or any members of their household will not come into contact with other individuals who are infected with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases or that the camper will not become infected with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases.

Language Kids World retains the right to require or not masks at camp, classes, or any programs at any point. The decision on whether masks will be required or not at camp, classes, or any programs may be adjusted at any point prior to or during any session, camp week, or program period. There are no refunds for camp based on our mask policy.

By enrolling and participating in Language Kids World programs and interacting with Language Kids World teachers, staff members, and other campers, the parent or authorized caregiver registering a camper for any of our programs on behalf of himself or herself and all members of his or her household:

  1. Assumes the risk that a camper or a member of his or her household or people close to him or to her may be exposed or infected by COVID-19 or other communicable diseases by attending the program and all risks associated with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases;
  2. Agrees to follow Language Kids World safety protocols, whether they are provided orally or in writing;
  3. Understands the risks of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or other communicable diseases while participating in the program;
  4. Holds harmless Language Kids World, its employees, agents, and representatives of and from all claims.

Sign-Out and Custody Protocol • Language Kids World staff members will release children only to authorized individuals, as designated on the registration form. Parents must provide the name and contact information of any persons authorized to pick the child up, and that information must be provided upon registration before the student is allowed to attend the program. We will assume all persons listed as authorized for pick-up and as emergency contacts have been authorized to pick the child up from camp. If a parent is not listed as an authorized person to pick a child up, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide court documents to show their rights as parents or guardians before they can pick their child up from camp. We will only adhere to the guidelines of the most current court documents that have been presented to our staff members. We request that parents don’t involve Language Kids World and our staff in their court proceedings. Failure to adhere to this may result in unenrollment from our programs. All children must be signed out every day by a parent or an authorized individual.  Failure to sign your child out will be regarded as an “incident” and may result in suspension from the program, and Language Kids World will not be obligated to refund for the missed day(s) of camp. For persons picking a child up from camp, showing a photo ID is mandatory upon request. Parents or authorized caregivers must notify in writing if there are any changes in the persons authorized to pick up their child. Parents can notify Language Kids World by emailing

Late pick-up • If a child is picked up after the time the session ends, a late fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed. Late fees must be paid in cash within 24 hours from the time they were assessed. If late fees are not paid within this time period, Language Kids World may charge the card on file for the amount due and if the payment is not collected, Language Kids World may not allow a child to re-enter the program until the fee is paid. Missed days due to lack of payment of a late pick-up fee will not be refunded.

Behavior expectations • The staff at Language Kids World will always seek to prevent behavioral issues through redirection, by setting clear expectations, and through positive reinforcement. Staff members will help campers understand why a certain behavior is not appropriate and what is the behavior expected at camp. After carrying out inappropriate behavior, the camper will receive a warning and parents will be notified. If a camper continues with unwanted or inappropriate behavior, the camper may be suspended immediately and may be asked not to return to camp.

A camper may be suspended immediately and without warning, if disrespectful or unsafe behavior towards another student or staff member is displayed by either a student or a parent or caregiver of a student. Parents and caregivers must make sure their children understand the expected behavior toward other students and staff. In the event a child’s behavior becomes severely disruptive, or unsafe to him/herself or others or the child does not respond to intervention, the parent/authorized caregiver will be called to pick him/her up immediately.

Potty Accident Policy • All children enrolled in camp must be potty-trained. All children ages 5 and under must be sent to camp with one change of clothes. If a camper has a potty accident and does not have a change of clothes, the Language Kids World staff will contact parents or caregivers to bring a change of clothes to camp. The soiled clothes will be sent home with the child in a Ziplock bag. Language Kids World teachers and staff members will take the children on potty-break frequently and they will ask children to let their teacher know when she or he needs to go potty. If in spite of our efforts to prevent potty accidents, a camper continues having potty accidents and demonstrates that they are not yet potty trained, Language Kids World will remove the camper from the program until they are fully potty-trained. A camper will be removed from the program after three potty accidents within a week.

Academic expectations • Language Kids World’s program is an academic language acquisition program, and its goal is to help students develop foreign language skills and cultural awareness. However, Language Kids World and its employees do not guarantee that students will reach any specific proficiency level in the target language at any point. Success in acquiring the language will depend largely on each individual student.

Special & Medical Needs • Our teachers are not trained or equipped to satisfy the special needs of students. Language Kids World staff cannot administer any medication (prescription or over the counter) unless a Camp Medication Form is previously completed and signed by the camper’s parent or authorized caregiver. A Camp Medication Form must be completed for each week of camp. All prescriptions must be in the original container. Staff will hold and dispense medication according to the physician’s instructions or instructions on over-the-counter medication.

Language Kids World staff will retain the medication for the duration of the session and return any unused medication at the end of each session. Parents or authorized caregivers are responsible for requesting unused medication from Language Kids World staff. It is also the responsibility of parents or authorized caregivers to ensure Language Kids World staff has enough medication for the camper for the entire week. We require physician’s information for both prescription and over-the-counter medication. If multiple medications are required to be administered to the same child, the parent or authorized caregiver must fill out and sign a Camp Medication Form for each medication. Our staff will offer the medication to the child, but we will not force the child to take any medication. If the child does not want to take the medication, we will contact you at the number(s) provided in the Camp Medication Form. Each Camp Medication Form is valid for one week at a time only. Parents must complete a new form for each week of camp, and for the length of prescription as stated by the physician, e.g.: antibiotic 7 days, unless otherwise stated by the physician. Please note that we are not able to refrigerate medications at most camp locations. Language Kids World may choose not to administer certain medications. The Camp Medication Form must be submitted to Language Kids World at least 7 days before the first day of camp.

Allergies and medical conditions • It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to let Language Kids World know of any allergies or medical conditions of campers. If a child has an allergy and needs to bring an EpiPen to camp, parents must let the child’s teachers know that the child has an EpiPen in his or her backpack so the teachers can keep it in a safe place. Parents must also complete a Camp Medication Form if sending an EpiPen with their child.

Lice Policy • Language Kids World is committed to minimizing the likelihood of transmitting lice at camp, so we have adopted a no-nit policy. Children with any evidence of lice, including nits (egg casings) alone, will not be able to participate in the program. If a camper shows evidence of lice, we will contact the camper’s parents, authorized caregivers, or emergency contacts immediately and the camper will be sent home. We will email the families of campers in the same group as the camper on whom lice were found. We recommend that parents or guardians conduct a lice check at home or have a check conducted by a trained professional. Campers will be able to return to camp once no evidence of lice is found present. Language Kids World does not guarantee that lice won’t be present at camp and Language Kids World will not be responsible for reimbursing the cost of a lice check or treatment.

Immunization Records • Every camper must have a current immunization record on file before the first day of camp to attend any of our programs. We accept immunization exemption forms issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services, which must be current and are only valid for two years. We do not require COVID-19 immunizations for campers. Failure to provide current immunization records may result in disenrollment from our programs.

Mixed-Language Extended Immersion • Please be aware during Extended Immersion, children from different language camps may be combined in the same classroom.

Technology Policy • Our camps are a technology-free zone. If a camper brings a device to camp, he or she must put it away in their bag or backpack. Language Kids World staff may take a device from a camper and put it in a safe place if a camper brings it out of their bag or backpack. If parents wish their child to have access to a device for emergency or specific purposes, they are free to give the device to the camper’s teacher to safeguard during the day. Language Kids World is not responsible for lost devices.

Catered lunches: Lunches are catered by The Simply Fresh Kitchen and must be ordered directly through them. Please visit to find all the details on how to order lunches as well as the lunch menu. Their contact information is 346-571-7971 or If you purchased lunch, please let your child’s teacher know. If you purchase lunch in the middle of the week, also please let your child’s teacher know. Lunches are catered through a third-party company, and we don’t have immediate access to a list of campers who purchased lunch, and we want to eliminate any possible issues.

Lunch and snacks: If you are not catering lunch for your child, please make sure they bring lunch to camp. All campers must bring a snack to camp as well, even campers that catered lunch (the catered lunch does not include a snack). Children are active at camp, and we suggest you send a couple of snacks with your child as well, especially if your child is staying at camp for extended immersion. At camp, we are unable to provide refrigeration or heating for lunches. Therefore, please ensure your child is sent with a lunch that is suitable for these conditions.

Forgotten Lunch Fee • If a camper does not bring lunch to camp, parents will be notified so they can bring the lunch to camp before lunchtime. If parents are unable to do so, Language Kids World staff will order lunch for the camper and parents will be charged a $15 lunch fee, which must be paid in cash at pick-up time on the day lunch was forgotten, or it will be charged to the credit card on file.

Camp Locations • Please be aware that the locations where our summer camps are provided are not licensed daycare facilities.

Arms and Firearms • No firearms, or any other weapons of any kind are allowed inside any camp buildings, classrooms, or any common areas.

Medical Authorization and Permission to Treat • I hereby grant Language Kids Houston, LLC permission to take whatever action in its judgment may be necessary for supplying emergency medical services to the child(ren) enrolled in any of its programs, camps, or classes. In the event Language Kids Houston, LLC is unable to contact the parent or guardian, physician, or other persons listed, I hereby agree that I will be solely responsible for and will promptly pay any expenses that may be incurred by Language Kids Houston, LLC. in making emergency medical treatment to the child(ren) enrolled.

Waiver of Liability and Release • In consideration of being permitted to participate in Language Kids Houston, LLC programs and classes, and acknowledging I am giving my child(ren) my permission to participate in the classes, camps, or programs provided by Language Kids Houston, LLC understand and am aware that such activity involves a risk of injury from my child(ren)’s participation in the said activity and that I am voluntarily giving permission to participate in this activity. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risk of injury from my child(ren)’s participation in this activity. I do hereby and forever discharge, release, indemnify, and hold harmless Language Kids Houston, LLC and the hosting locations and their employees, the Association, the Board of Directors, officers, agents, and managing parties for and on behalf of myself and my minor child(ren) and our respective heirs, successors, and assigns from any and all liability, rights of action, causes of action, losses, claims, demands, cost and expenses for damages and/or personal injury that may arise in conjunction with my child(ren)’s participation in this activity.

Photo Release • I understand that photographs, video, and/or digital images (herein images), may be taken of my participation or my minor’s participation in various activities while at class, camp, or any other programs provided by Language Kids Houston LLC. I understand that no names or personal contact information will accompany any images. I understand that these images may be used in slide shows, website photo albums, video yearbooks, and other promotional materials and/or publications. I acknowledge below that I do consent to such images of my likeness or my minor’s likeness being taken and do not request compensation for the use of my likeness or my minor’s likeness. I grant Language Kids Houston, LLC and host sites the absolute right to copyright, re-use, publish, and republish by any medium, including electronically, any photos included that may be taken while participating in a Language Kids Houston, LLC event, camp, program, or class.

Email Communication • I hereby authorize Language Kids Houston LLC to add me to their email distribution list and send me emails regarding Language Kids World programs, which may include program information, weather alerts, and other important information. I understand that I may opt out of receiving emails from Language Kids World at any time by using the unsubscribe button in the email or by requesting to unsubscribe via email at

Text Authorization • I hereby authorize Language Kids Houston LLC to send me text messages regarding Language Kids World programs. Texting may include program information, weather alerts, and other important information. I understand that messaging data rates may apply. I understand that I may opt out of receiving text messages from Language Kids World at any time by texting STOP or OPT-OUT or by requesting to unsubscribe via email at

Privacy Policy • This privacy policy governs the manner in which Language Kids World collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users of any of our websites and educational platforms, including but not limited to This policy applies to all our websites and platforms as well as all products and services offered by Language Kids World. We may collect personal identification information from our clients and users in several ways, such as when users visit our site, subscribe to our newsletter, fill out forms, register for a program, etc., providing us with their contact and payment information. We may also collect non-personal identification information about users when they interact with our websites, resource pages, or educational platforms. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of device used, and other similar information. Our site may use “cookies” to enhance the user’s experience. User’s web browsers place cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. The user may set their web browser to refuse cookies or alert them when cookies are being sent. Language Kids World collects and uses the user’s information to process transactions, send communication emails, and improve our customer service experience for the users. We do not sell, share, or trade any of the personal information collected from the users with outside third parties unless it is necessary to provide our services. To protect users’ information, we adopt the necessary data collection and storage practices to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information. We use an SSL-secured communication channel to protect sensitive and private information. Language Kids World may change or update its privacy policy at its discretion and at any time. It is the user’s responsibility to check our privacy policy frequently and become aware of any changes or updates. By using any Language Kids World websites, resource pages, or learning platforms, the user accepts this policy. If the user doesn’t agree to this policy, the user must refrain from using our websites, resource pages, or learning platforms. If a user uses Language Kids World websites, resource pages or learning platforms after changes or modifications to this privacy policy have been made, it will be deemed that the user accepts those changes and modifications.

Language Kids World reserves the right to revise and alter its policies without advance notice. However, parents will be informed in writing about any changes to the policies.

By registering for any of Language Kids World’s summer, winter, and/or spring break camps and/or school-out day camps, parents or caregivers registering their child acknowledge they have read and agree to these policies.

Last update: August 21, 2024