Language Immersion Camps
Bringing the World to Your Child
Camp Galleria Newsletter
Dear parents,
Thank you for registering for Language Kids World immersion summer camp at the Galleria location. Our camp will be held at Bering Drive Church of Christ, located at 1910 Bering Drive, Houston, TX 77057. The camp cell phone is 832-206-8551.
Before camp begins, there are several key details to be aware of. Please revisit this page the week prior to camp for any new updates. Additionally, we will send out an email with this information on the Thursday preceding each camp week with the camp’s cell phone number, a location map, and other relevant information.
After you drop your child off, please double-check to make sure the main camp door is locked when you leave.
Schedule: You can drop off children as early as 7:45 AM. Unless you registered your child in the extended immersion camp, please make sure you pick your child up no later than 3:00 PM. Extended immersion ends at 5:30 PM. There is a late pick-up fee of $1 per minute if you pick your child up after 3:00 PM or 5:30 PM (depending on the camp you registered for). Children staying for extended immersion will join the Spanish camp, and camper pick-up after 3:00 PM will take place in the Spanish classroom.
Vaccination records: Every camper must have a current immunization record on file before the first day of camp. We do not require children to have received a COVID vaccination. If you haven’t done so yet, please upload them to your account at or email them to If you upload them, please let us know via email.
Camp location: Please park in the parking lot on the left (south) side of the church and walk your child to the main camp door at the back of the church by covered car drop-off (there will be a Language Kids World sign by the main entrance). Please do not park in front of the church offices. We will send a location map on the Thursday before each camp week. Please be aware that there is road construction on Bering Drive. Please use the north entrance to enter the property and follow the driveway to the back of the church.
Sign in and sign out: Please take the time to sign your child in every morning and sign him/her out every afternoon when you pick her/him up from camp. Only persons authorized during registration will be allowed to pick your child up from camp. If you need to add or edit the list of people authorized to pick your child up, you can log into your Language Kids online account, or email us at We will only make manual changes to your account with a written request. Also, please remember to bring a photo ID when picking your child up from camp, as it will be required. If somebody other than yourself is picking your child up at any time during the week, please ask them to bring a photo ID with them since we will not release any child to someone without a valid driver’s license. Please be aware that different teachers may be at camp when you pick your child up, so please make sure you bring your driver’s license every day since the teacher releasing children may not be familiar with you and s/he won’t release your child without a proper photo ID.
Campers ages 3-5: Campers 5 years old and under must be fully potty trained and bring a change of clothes to camp. If you want your child to nap, please make sure to let the teachers know (or email us at and bring a blanket for your child.
Nap: Campers in the explorer’s classroom may take a nap. If you would like your child to take a nap, you must let your child’s teachers know. Teachers will not have a camper take a nap if a parent has not requested so. If your child is taking a nap at camp, please send a napping mat and/or blanket with your child.
What to bring to camp: Campers must bring lunch, a snack, and a couple of bottles of water. If your child is 5 years old or younger, please also send a change of clothes with him or her. I also suggest children bring a light sweater. If a camper brings a device, please make sure she or he brings a backpack as well, and always keep the device inside the backpack. Language Kids World is not responsible for lost or damaged devices. Please label your child’s belongings.
Catered lunches: Parents can choose to order catered lunches or send their child with lunch from home. Lunches are catered by The Simply Fresh Kitchen and must be ordered directly through them. Please visit to find all the details on how to order lunches as well as the lunch menu. Their contact information is 346-571-7971 or If you purchased lunch, please let your child’s teacher know. If you purchase lunch in the middle of the week, also please let your child’s teacher know. Lunches are catered through a third-party company and we don’t have immediate access to a list of campers that purchased lunch, and we want to eliminate any possible issues.
Lunch and snacks: If you are not catering lunch for your child, please make sure they bring lunch to camp. All campers must bring a snack to camp as well, even campers that catered lunch (the catered lunch does not include a snack). Children are active at camp, and we suggest you send a couple of snacks with your child as well, especially if your child is staying at camp for extended immersion. At camp, we are unable to provide refrigeration or heating for lunches. Therefore, please ensure your child is sent with a lunch that is suitable for these conditions.
Allergies: Teachers will have a list of all children with allergies based on the information parents provided during registration. If your child has an allergy and needs to bring an EpiPen to camp, please make sure to let your child’s teacher know on Monday morning.
Medications at camp: If your child needs to take medication while at camp, parents must fill out and sign the Camp Medication Form before any medication can be administered. You can download the Camp Medication Form here.
What to wear: Campers should wear comfortable clothes for active play. Please also send your child a light sweater.
Change of clothes: All children ages 5 and under must bring a separate change of clothes in a plastic bag, labeled with their name.
Adding someone new to the authorized pick-up list: If, after the time you receive this email, you add someone to your account as a person authorized to pick your child up from camp, please also email us to let us know. Teachers may not have that new person listed if the rosters were printed before you made that change to your account.
Birthday parties: We love to celebrate campers’ birthdays at camp! If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday at camp, please let us know at least 2 days in advance. Some campers may have food allergies and we need to let parents know in advance if they need to bring a cupcake for their child. All parents will be notified beforehand if there is a birthday celebration at camp.
Heat advisory: There may be heat advisories during the summer. We will be monitoring the weather and we will only take the children out in the mornings before it gets too warm. If, at any point in the summer, it gets too warm during the morning as well, we will refrain from taking the children outdoors on that day. We understand how important it is to take children outside every day, and we will make every effort to do so early in the day, however, please know that if the weather is too hot, we will be holding recess indoors.
Extended Immersion: Campers from different language camps may be combined in the extended immersion classroom.
Policies: Please note you have previously agreed to our terms and conditions when you registered your child/children. To learn more about our terms and conditions for summer camp, please visit us at
Inclement weather: We will follow HISD closure policies due to inclement weather. We will not issue refunds due to inclement weather closures, but we will credit your account with the prorated amount.
Nobody knows your child like you do! Please let us know if there is anything we can do or take into consideration to make your child’s experience the best it can be! Feel free to email us at
We hope your child to be enriched by this experience, and we look forward to a wonderful summer full of language learning and fun!
Please feel free to call us at 281-565-1388 or email us at if you have any questions.
Thank you,
The Language Kids World Team