This category offers advice and resources for parents on how to support their child’s language development at home, including tips for reading aloud, playing games, and creating a language-rich environment.

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Celebrating Earth Day Around the World: A Family Guide

  Earth Day is a special occasion celebrated annually on April 22nd, dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and action worldwide. It’s a day for all of us, young and old, to reflect on our planet's health and discover ways…
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Fun Earth Day Projects and Crafts for Kids and Families

  Earth Day is a wonderful opportunity to teach children about the importance of caring for our planet through engaging and creative activities. Crafting and hands-on projects not only entertain children but also educate them on the…
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Receptive bilingual children: Language skills development of children who understand but don’t speak their heritage language

Hello, dear parents! Today, we're delving into a fascinating aspect of language development, particularly among children who understand but don't actively speak their heritage language. These kids, known as receptive bilinguals, face unique…